Zone of Genius

The Zone of Genius is key to achieving success. But what does it mean, and how can you find yours? Here’s a concise guide to understanding and applying this concept.

What is the Zone of Genius?

In The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks identifies four zones:

  1. Zone of Incompetence
    • Things that other people probably do better than you
  2. Zone of Competence
    • Things that you do just fine, but others are as good as you
  3. Zone of Excellence
    • Activities you excel at and feel confident doing, but don’t love doing.
  4. Zone of Genius
    • Things that you are awesome at, and that you love to do

How To Find Your Zone of Genius

  • Pay Attention to What You Love Doing – Identify activities you can do for hours without getting bored.
  • Notice What Others Say About Your Strengths – Listen to compliments about your skills and talents.
  • Seek Out Opportunities To Use Your Strengths – Engage in tasks that feel natural and easy.

Why We Don’t Stay In Our Zone of Genius

  • It Is Challenging – Stepping into the unknown can be scary but necessary for growth.
  • We Think We Don’t Deserve It – Many feel only the privileged deserve to thrive, which is untrue.

How To Live In Your Zone of Genius

  • Get Clear on What Your Zone of Genius Is – Identify tasks that come naturally and bring joy.
  • Commit To Living in Your Zone of Genius – Make small, intentional changes to focus on these activities.
  • Take Action Steps Towards Living in Your Zone of Genius – Pursue opportunities aligned with your Zone of Genius.



